Nursing career ladder system in Indonesia: The hospital context

Before entering the nursing world, it is recommended for us to understand the nursing career system. Not until it’s too late when nursing candidates become clinical nurses but are eager to turn over the profession. Can you imagine how much money has been spent to complete nursing education while the nursing career is not in line with what was expected? Irony indeed, but this phenomenon exists and occurs among nurses in Indonesia. Therefore, this nursing career ladder system needs to be clearly implemented among hospital and nurse managers.

Despite the importance of nurses so far, do nurses have a promising career? Will they be successful nurses in their field in the next 5 or 10 years? Unfortunately, there are so many nurses, prospective nurses, or nursing students who do not understand this career path system, or there are also those who understand but are mostly resigned. Therefore, this article will provide an overview of the career path system and its application in hospitals in Indonesia. This article will be helpful for those who want a career as a nurse. Read the full article here: Free Download.

Suggested citation: Gunawan, J., & Juanamasta, I. G. (2022). Nursing career ladder system in Indonesia: The hospital context. Journal of Healthcare Administration, 1(1), 5-9. [Free Download]

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